Friday 1 August 2014

Don’t Fear Ebola, Fear the State


By: Kurt Nimmo
Date: 1 August 2014

And mistrust fascist big pharma public-private partnerships 
Don't Fear Ebola, Fear the State

It is difficult to contract the deadly viral disease Ebola.
In order to get it, you have to be in direct contact with blood and other body fluids from an infected person or animal. Aerosol transmission is not possible. The possibility of widespread transmission is extremely low due to a high fatality rate and the remote areas where infections usually occur.
According to some members of the medical establishment and the corporate media, the spread of the disease is out of control in the African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. A chart posted on Daily Mail claims 1,201 people in those countries tested positive for the disease and 672 have died this year. The Daily Mail says Ebola is “as infectious as flu,” a claim that is patently untrue.

As Jon Rappoport told Alex Jones on Thursday, the death rate from Ebola is nearly infinitesimal when compared to seasonal flu, which kills between three and five million people every year. Like previous “pandemic” diseases like Swine Flu and West Nile, Ebola is being exploited and exaggerated as part of a psychological operation by government.

Disease, natural disaster, and man-made crises are routinely exploited by government as pretexts to enlarge and extend its power and reach. The state and its propaganda media thrive on one manufactured crisis after another as part of a systematic effort to ramp up the police state. The goal is not protection of the people. It is an all-encompassing surveillance state with a militarized component designed not to save us from evil terrorists or scary diseases, but control the population and maintain through fear and violence its political monopoly.

A fear-mongered Ebola – far less threatening to the average American than a stay at the hospital or driving a car – will be used to impose new restrictions on the movement of citizens. The CDC website reveals what the government plans to do in the event the difficult to spread disease arrives in America – enforce isolation, quarantine, and government decree enforced at gunpoint. “In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine also are ‘police power’ functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society,” the CDC states.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is on its game. “The military has response plans in place for national emergency events that could include anything from a pandemic outbreak to economic collapse, both of which could lead to civil unrest,” writes Mac Slavo. “The Department of Defense informed Congress that it has deployed biological diagnostic systems to National Guard support teams in all 50 states” despite a complete lack of Ebola cases and the improbability of a pandemic.

In addition to providing an excuse for an enlargement of government and military power, hyped up pandemic threats are used by transnational corporations to increase profits.

In 2010 the outgoing Chair of the Council of Europe’s Sub-committee on Health, Wolfgang Wodarg, told the Alex Jones Show that the 2009 swine flu pandemic was a hoax manufactured by pharmaceutical companies in league with the WHO to make large profits while endangering public health. “It is their trick that they always try to monopolize this and we pay much more like this,” said Wodarg.
Fast tracked vaccines that may become mandatory
The National Institutes of Health, a biomedical research facility under the Department of Health & Human Services, has announced it is working with another government behemoth, the Food and Drug Administration, to fast track an Ebola vaccine.

“We are starting to discuss some deals with pharmaceutical companies to help scale it up, so on an emergency basis, it might be available in 2015 for health workers who are putting themselves at extreme risk,” Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Fast tracked vaccines and accompanying pandemic psychological warfare has resulted in the state and its supported institutions – including hospitals, schools and even private daycare centers – making flu vaccines mandatory for workers.
The New York Times and the establishment media are now demanding mandatory vaccinations for children and the elimination of all exemptions. As if that is not bad enough, some are calling for mandatory participation in vaccine clinical trials as well.

“Many societies already mandate that citizens undertake activities for the good of society,” writes Susanne Sheehy for the American Medical Association, a government-sanctioned cartel that specializes in making healthcare unaffordable.

Beware when government and its preferred corporate partners argue in favor of mandatory activities supposedly for the good of society.

This invariably results in authoritarian behavior, conscription, and wealth confiscation at gunpoint.

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