Friday, 1 August 2014

“Evidence” for Russian Responsibility for Resolving ‘developed’ nations’ OBVIOUS complicity in lie-started US War Crimes

The Washington Post
Blogs and Columns

By: Carl Herman
Date: 24 April 2014

Critical mass public-awakening of Americans to US “leaders’” unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression raises several related and OBVIOUS issues that must be resolved if the 99% are to end the 1%’s War Crimes:
  • US corporate media was/is REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie in omission and commission to “cover” these War Crimes from public recognition.
  • Both US political parties were/are REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie and vote for these War Crimes.
  • “Developed” nations are criminally complicit in these War Crimes by direct participation and/or refusing to enforce war law to stop OBVIOUS unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression.


This article explains, documents, and proves:

1. How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact
2. How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact U.S. Government Lied to Pretend that Accidental Russian Shootdown of
3. Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US corporate media
4. Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US political “leadership”
5. Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by Earth’s so-called “developed” nations


1. How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact:

Current US wars, including any attack on Syria, Ukraine, and/or Iran, are Orwellian unlawful because US armed attacks, invasions, and occupations of foreign lands are unlawful Wars of Aggression. Two US treaties, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and UN Charter, make armed attacks on another nation unlawful unless in response to armed attack by that nation’s government. Under Article Six of the US Constitution, a treaty is our “supreme Law of the Land;” meaning that no order can compromise a US active treaty.

Current US wars and rhetoric for more wars continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression since the US invaded Mexico; despite Abraham Lincoln’s powerfully accurate rhetoric of President Polk’s lies to steal half of Mexico at the expense of US military and Mexican civilian lives. The most decorated US Marine general in his day also warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars for 1% plunder.

Such lie-began and unlawful US wars have killed ~30 million since WW2, arguably more than Hitler’s Nazis.

Because US wars clearly violate the limit of zero military armed attack on another nation, current US wars are not even close to lawful, and are unlawful Wars of Aggression. This is as clear as a baseball pitch being ten feet over the batter’s head not meeting the requirement to be called a “strike,” and not even close to any objective judgement as within the strike zone.


2. How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact:

In addition to the illegality of US wars, we know from the disclosed evidence of our own government that all claims for current US wars were known to be lies as they were told to the American public and not “mistaken intelligence.” Read this and this for more complete documentation; here’s the summary for lies to initiate War Crimes on Iraq and Afghanistan:

There were four basic claims of fact presented by US political “leadership” to invade Iraq:
  1. Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), a scary-sounding name for specific chemical and biological weapons.
  2. The US intercepted aluminum tubes that could only be used to refine nuclear material; irrefutable evidence that Iraq had restarted a nuclear weapons program.
  3. Saddam had attempted to purchase enriched uranium from Niger; more evidence that Iraq had reconstituted nuclear weapons development.
  4. Saddam had links to Al Qaeda, the alleged terrorists who attacked the US on 9/11.
Here’s what we know about the evidence from which those claims were made:

1. George Tenet, Director of the CIA, acknowledged that all US intelligence agency reports “never said there was an imminent threat.”  This was based on a long history of intelligence reports, the facts that the chemical and biological weapons under consideration were relatively weak without a delivery system, and that Iraq was highly motivated NOT to use them against the US given their understanding such use would provoke war with the world’s most powerful military. Because all 16 US intelligence agencies stated in writing in their official National Intelligence Estimate report there is no evidence of any imminent threat, and US leaders used an argument of WMD as a reason for war without documentation of evidence while refuted by every US intelligence agency’s official report, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.

2. The Bush administration claim of aluminum tubes that could only be used as centrifuges to refine fissionable material for nuclear weapons is directly refuted by the best expert witnesses available, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Their conclusion is that the tubes in question had diameters too small, the tubes were too thick, using aluminum as the material would be “a huge step backwards,” and the surface was anodized that made them impossible to serve this purpose. They also found that the tubes were easily explained for conventional use, as the specifications perfectly matched tubing for other purposes. The Senate Committee on Intelligence agreed that this claim had no basis from any available evidence. See also here. When the US makes a war-reason without explanation and the evidence is refuted by the two leading expert agencies before the war, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.

3. This claim, repeated by President Bush in the 2003 State of the Union Address, was based on the “Niger documents.” These papers were written in grammatically poor French, had a “childlike” forgery of the Niger President’s signature, and had a document signed by a foreign minister who had been out of office for 14 years prior to the date on the document. The forgeries showed-up shortly after the Niger embassy in Rome was robbed, with the only missing items being stationery and Niger government stamps. The same stationery and stamps were used for the forged documents. The CIA warned President Bush on at least three occasions to not make the claim due to the ridiculous evidence. In addition, if Saddam really was making an illegal uranium purchase, it’s likely that both Saddam and the Niger government officials would insist on not having a written record that would document the crime. Republican US Ambassador to Niger, Joseph Wilson, confirmed this information and reported in detail to Vice President Cheney’s office and the CIA. When President Bush and other “leaders” use this claim as a war reason without explanation while analysis of the evidence with all available experts conclude it’s crude forgery, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.

4. As to the claim of a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, all US intelligence agencies reported that no such relationship existed (and here). When Vice President Cheney makes an unsubstantiated war-reason while all 16 US intelligence agencies officially report no such evidence exists AND compelling evidence exists to refute the claim, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.

Some war liars argue that UN Security Council Resolution 687 from 1991 authorizes resumption of force from the previous Gulf War. This resolution declared a formal cease-fire; which means exactly what it says: stop the use of force. The resolution was declared by UNSC and held in their jurisdiction; that is, no individual nation has authority to supersede UNSC’s power to continue or change the status of the cease-fire (further explanation here). The idea that the US and/or UK can authorize use of force under a UNSC cease-fire is as criminal as your neighbor shooting one of your family members and claiming that because police have authority to shoot dangerous people he can do it. When US leaders claim authority they clearly and OBVIOUSLY do not have, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.

War lies for unlawful war on Afghanistan: The US acknowledges the Afghanistan government had nothing to do with 9/11. The UN Security Council issued two Resolutions after 9/11  (1368 and 1373) for international cooperation for factual discovery, arrests, and prosecutions of the 9/11 criminals. The Afghan government said they would arrest any suspect upon presentation of evidence of criminal involvement. The US rejected these Resolutions, and violated the letter and intent of the UN Charter by armed attack and invasion of Afghanistan.

The US government requested the cooperation of the Afghanistan government for extradition of Osama bid Laden to be charged with the 9/11 attacks. The Afghan government agreed, as per usual cooperative international law, as soon as the US government provided evidence of bin Laden’s involvement. The US government refused to provide any evidence. The Afghan government refused US troops entering their country and extradition until evidence was provided, and made their argument to the world press for the rule of law to apply to the US extradition request. The US invaded Afghanistan without providing evidence and without UN Security Council approval. President Bush stated, “There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt. We know he’s guilty.” Because the Afghanistan government did not attack the US, there was no evidence of imminent threat, the US violated the UN Security Council’s legal authority, the Afghan government took every reasonable act to cooperate, that means this US war claim of “self-defense” was a lie known to be false as it was told.


3. Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US corporate media:

Today’s US media “leaders” are criminally complicit for US War Crimes because they ongoingly cover-up the facts year-after-year, despite as the above irrefutably explains and proves are wars not even close to lawful, and all began with lies known to be false as they were told.

Because the facts prove unlawful wars started with paper-thin lies, the War Criminals knew that ongoing lies from government and corporate media “leaders” were obviously required and planned as a principal part of their crimes. Without ongoing cover-up, the damning facts would expose US government and corporate media oligarchs conspired to commit the worst crime a nation can: using their military to kill innocent children, women, and men.

Justice requires Americans to demand arrests of today’s US corporate media “leaders” as not merely accessories after-the-fact, but ongoing principal actors required for War Crimes.

For abundant evidence of US corporate media specific lies in direct support of US War Crimes, read 2014 Worldwide Wave of Action: learn to prove corporate media as lying sacks of spin

Importantly, US corporate media lies that make them principal actors to vicious crimes include the ongoing cover-up of the King Family Civil Trial facts and verdict that found the US Government guilty of Martin King’s assassination.

Also importantly, because these lies killed US military by having them trust orders to unlawfully invade foreign nations, the attack of the War Criminals on US military is closest to the criminal category of treason.


4. Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US political “leadership:”

Because the facts are so clear for lie-started unlawful US Wars of Aggression, either political party could have brought the facts into the light to stop such psychopathic crimes before they began.

The only rational conclusion seems to be that the US has a Left and Right arm to its one War Criminal body.

Resolution will come through arrests or Truth & Reconciliation of obvious criminals that open a path for likely thousands of US whistle-blowers to provide complete details of War Criminal leaders within both parties’ “leaderships.”


5. Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by Earth’s so-called “developed” nations:

Obviously, attempting to hide simple facts of US War Crimes from public knowledge REQUIRED corporate media and both political party “leaders” be principal partners-in-crime from the start. But US “leadership” required other criminal partners: “developed” nations’ political and media voices.

The above facts of the international treaties making armed attack by a nation’s military as unlawful Wars of Aggression are clear. The lies to begin those wars are public knowledge, as I document above (among dozens in alternative media). These facts are so clear, for example, that all lawyers in the UK’s Foreign Affairs Department concluded the US/UK invasion of Iraq was an unlawful War of Aggression. Their expert advice was the most qualified to make that legal determination for the UK; all 27 of them were in agreement. This powerful judgment of unlawful war follows the Dutch government’s recent unanimous report and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s clear statements (my most recent article on this topic with more details here).

Because no nation’s government attacked the US on 9/11, all subsequent US-led armed attacks are OBVIOUSLY unlawful Wars of Aggression. So-called “developed” nations know this in their political and media “leadership,” as well as the lies used to begin and continue those wars, and the lies to expand those wars on Syria, Ukraine, and/or Iran.

This is as obvious to see as a clear violation in one’s favorite sports. For example, again, the strike-zone in baseball is meant to be a clear area of the baseball thrown over home plate. A pitch ten feet over the batter’s head is clearly not even close to a strike, and requires no debate. Only liars will argue for a strike, especially when the evidence is publicly available for review.

The developed nations, including the US, want these wars and egregiously lie to have them. Justice, here, also demands arrests of War Crime “leaders” in other nations.

These facts are hard to face, yes.

That said, you must face, embrace and act upon the Truth if you want peace on Earth, peace for your children, and to be at peace with yourself.

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