Tuesday 3 February 2015

Fifteen truths every truther should be aware of.

Source: veteranstoday.com


This is an extract. For the full article, click the link above.
1. The first thing we know is that there are many stooge owned and operated diversionary or compromised websites. These sites use the standard ploy of “limited hangout” where up to 80% or even 90% of the truth is presented, but often accompanied by a bad payload on the most important conclusions or a complete avoidance of some very major issues essential to understand the large international Organized crime Cabal (OCC). This bad payload is designed to lead users away from the important conclusions they may figure out otherwise, thus protecting OCC special interests.
2. The second thing we now know for sure is that despite these sophisticated web intercept operations best referred to as sophisticated Psyops, most users have become so sophisticated and have such a large base of new and basic knowledge of current events and history, they just selectively pick and choose truth nuggets from the bad payload misinformation and overall do a very competent job or selecting truth from misinformation because they have developed an uncanny sense to sense what is a truth nugget because it resonates with their senses.
3. We now know that almost every single story the CMMM broadcasts is either a sophisticated Psyop, a Big Government Lie, or a False-narrative designed to mind-kontrol the American masses by creating a completely false Societal Reality System  (American Group Mind). This American group mind is unfortunately an artificially conditioned reality that supports their much needed illegal, unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, perpetual, un-winnable wars to make big profits for the banks, the defense contractors and those they allow to strip the assets and resources of the war torn countries The American military attacks on behalf of the OCC and Israel.
4. We now know for sure that the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty Ship and attempted to murder all hands on board and sink the ship as a false-flag attack tracking falsely to Egypt in order to sucker America into a war with Egypt on Israel’s behalf.
5. We now know for certain that Israel stole 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear pitts out the back door at Pentax in Texas and earlier stole a substantial amount of plutonium, both with the US administrations looking the other way on purpose. And we now know for sure that Israel obtained some large city-buster warheads from S-19 and S-20 Russian missile systems from the Ukraine when the Soviet Union fell in1991.
6. We now know for sure that as soon as Israel acquired the nukes and Dolphin Class German submarines, shipping container delivery systems, high tech cloaking shielding systems, long term storage systems, and deployment systems, they established a “Samson Option” policy of nuclear blackmail. With this Samson Option policy, Israel began to threaten various governments around the world, including the USG, that if they didn’t comply with their wishes and aid packages they would detonate nukes in their major cities as punishment. Seymour Hersch was the first to release this story publicly and since then this has been fully corroborated by very high level Intel Reports leaked into the public domain by Russian intel.
7. We now know for sure that when the Cold War ended because of the incredibly brilliant work of president Reagan’s appointed Secret Agent Lee Wanta, Congress approved a billion dollar line item for a certain Congressional Intel Committee member to buy up any Ukrainian MIRV from S-19 or S-20 Russian systems. This man was supposed to supervise their decommission but instead sold them to Israel and then split the huge billions of USD gains with certain other members of Congress, buying their silence forever, but giving Israel the possession of city-buster sized nukes.
starnukeLG8. We now have rock solid Intel reports that Israel has planted 25 nukes in various American cities and has been threatening to detonate them one at a time, or in series, or even all at once, depending on how much the USG refuses to support Israel and fight its wars or refuses to attack Syria or Iran on Israel’s behalf. This is believed to be a current threat and the problem is that although many of these nukes were apparently stored in various Israeli embassies in the basements, they are known to be shielded with the latest high tech shielding also known as “advanced high-tech cloaking,” making satellite gamma ray detectors and truck mounted drive-by or airplane mounted fly-by gamma ray detectors useless to detect these Israeli controlled and stored devices, because the old detection technology used is now obsolete. There allegedly are new higher tech neutron detectors available, but it is claimed by insiders that they must be held 1,000 feet or even less to the nuke to get a reading and involve the use of very exotic rare earth minerals, not readily available and very expensive.
9. We now know for sure that Israel detonated one nuke at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City working with the FBI and the BATF by deploying a “Sting gone bad” scenario using a special “deep-black” covert Delta Force man Timothy McVeigh, whose execution was faked and he went out the back door on a stretcher alive and breathing normally. It did however cost Shandra Levy her life and “Gary Condom” his position in Congress. Condom got Shandra Levy her job at the Department of Prisons with his position on the House Intelligence Committee and she scheduled McVeigh’s fake execution and knew it was fake because perhaps Condom told her. Her phone was tapped for national security reasons and she was allegedly overheard telling this in confidence to a trusted girlfriend. Both were murdered as an evil precaution and Levys’ murder was done in a way to expose her and Condom’s heavy duty S&M “hobby” and to punish Condom by making sure he would lose his next California election for being implicated and blamed for Shaundra Levy being missing. She was murdered at another location and her remains taken and later dumped at the Park and a Patsy was set up and wrongly blamed. Some insiders believe she and Monica were both either spy-trained or Mind-kontrolled in Israel to serve as skilled honey-traps for top American politicians. If true, both did a pretty darned good job. All Monica had to do was pull up one side of her dress and snap her G-string strap and let President Clinton see her do it while saying, “gee how do you like this Mr. President,” and all Shandra had to do was look beautiful, be okay with S&M and be willing to live with Condom part of the year at his DC second home away from his California home.
10. We now know for sure that 9-11-01 was a nuclear attack on America done by Israeli Intel, ordered by Bibi Netanyahu with the assistance of various Traitors and Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens, traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD, the FAA, the VP, the President and many more USG Officials and even the NYC Mayor and his sidekick.
11. We now know for sure that the Boston Marathon Bombing was a DHS Drill using a weak black powder “puffer bomb”, which caused absolutely NO injuries. A stage actor with a prior amputated leg was used and stage blood packs were ripped open and dropped at the site. It was another staged False-Flag attack with two purposes: the first was to create more subconscious fear in the American Group Mind and use it as an excuse to lock down the city and bust into peoples homes and drag them out at gunpoint with no warrants claiming exigent circumstances. Both men blamed were patsies and the FBI murdered one in cold blood and then made a spectacle of it by running over the man repeatedly with one of their black Suburbans. This was true to type for any Police State and Marcus Wolfe, the former head of the East German Stasi, the one who was hired by the Israeli’s to set up Homeland Security would have been very, very proud if he was still alive.
12. We now know that the Sandy Hook School mass-shooting was completely faked with NO dead Kids, NO dead teachers, NO dead Lanzas and in fact NO Lanzas ever really existed at all. It was a FEMA/DHS Capstone Drill and researchers now have the intel contractors pre-prepared transcript for the operation, which by the way, was very, very poorly done and many mistakes were made which prove the operation was a false-flag with no dead anyone except a few witnesses that started talking later on after the events occurred.
13. We now know that ISIS/Daish is a private mercenary army started by Senator McCain, and Generals McInerney and Vallely and supported by Israel, Saudi Arabia, the American CIA (Bush faction) and others, including the secret Gladio part of NATO which has never stopped being active allegedly (some call Gladio the DVD, like Michael Shrimpton). Many insiders call ISIS/Daish Al Qaeda or Al CIA (version 2). Big American Military weapons and war equipment caches were left behind and unguarded in Iraq to be immediately picked up by Al CIA Duh.
14. We now know for sure that the Internet and cell phones and cell phone systems are the most sophisticated surveillance and spying system ever implemented and have been accepted and are now expected and even demanded by a public which has become so dependent on the conveniences and personal power these devices provide that they willingly submit to this incredible second by second surveillance by American Intel.
15. And finally we now know for certain that the Internet has grabbed the interest of many Americans who have gained a deep interest in truly discovering whether or not public accusations made in the alternative media of the Internet accusing the American Government and its various agencies of having masterminded and committed some of the biggest organized crimes in history like the JFK, MLK, RFK, and Senator Wellstone assassinations. And we know that a significant and growing percentage of these individuals who use Alternative Media News Sites on the Internet now believe #1- 13  above which actually form one big Litmus Test for any Internet User’s ability to extract and believe Internet Truth Nuggets.
It should now be quite clear  that the Internet is the world’s New Gutenberg press and is truly revolutionary as is the cell phone and its merger with the personal computer. And for the first time in history, we have portable communication that can accompany its owner/user everywhere they go allowing instant access to them. The ramifications, which are occurring right before our eyes, are actually quite astounding and will undoubtedly change many aspects of society. One thing is for sure, the development and popularization of the Internet is a new worldwide springboard for the emergence of populism in almost every nation.

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