Monday, 29 September 2014

Busted! FBI Comes Clean! Sandy Hook 100% Proof - Hoax Completely Falls Apart!

Source: beforeitsnews

With information now having gone viral across the country that nobody died at Sandy Hook nearly 2 years ago, videographer Linc Austin gives us a brand new update on the FBI's now viral report in the 1st video below.

With all but a few remaining sleeping Americans now aware that Sandy Hook was nothing more than a plot to take away Americans guns prior to completely cracking down with government force upon our remaining rights, the 2nd video below from PressResetEarth shares '100% proof' Sandy Hook was a hoax.

In 2012 a total of 28 people, 22 children and 6 adults, were supposed to have been killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting, however! the video claims that the FBI Crime Statistics Report 2012 shows the number of homicides in the Newtown district as zero. The Social Security Death Master File also shows no deaths.

This video shows an actual copy of the FBI Crime Statistics Report 2012 with the Newtown entry highlighted.

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