Friday 26 September 2014

Globalized wars: Anyone can fight against anyone


The plan evolves according to the willing of the elites as nation-states approach their permanent dissolution.

From Ukraine to Middle East, we see all kinds of fighters of various nationalities fighting on both sides. Private armies, mercenaries and fortune hunters are present in various battlefields, many of them aiming only to earn more money. Globalized wars are here and doing the job of those who dream the dissolution of nation-states.

The picture of the ISIS fighters praising the dissolving of the Iraqi-Syrian borders is characteristic. The powers behind the artificial construction of many nation-states, in the Middle-East and elsewhere, have now decided that these are not useful anymore as they cannot serve their plans for total, global domination.

ISIS fighters' threats concerning potential attacks in Western countries serve perfectly the plan, which is to transfer the wars from borders to urban centers. Indeed, since a citizen of any Western country, attached to the ISIS or other extremist groups, is determined to die in a bloodbath at the heart of this country, the protection of borders has no meaning, and citizens start to wonder about the ability of the nation-state to protect them.

Moreover, the systemic establishment finds another excuse to justify further suppression measures by an increasingly militarized police, thus increasing the hostility of the citizens against the state. The Western urban state not only fails to protect its citizens but on the contrary, is turning against them.

But it's not only that. As the economic crisis hit heavily many Western countries, threatening the most developed countries of the eurozone too, as the welfare state rapidly dissolved and the majority suffers from heavy taxes and austerity measures, while the governments-puppets vote more tax reliefs for the economic elites and banksters who have been bailed-out by the taxpayers, more and more people start to wonder about the necessity of the nation-state.

What we see here is actually a vicious cycle: The more the poverty and inequality grow, the more extremism finds new material, especially among the youngest people who suffer from unemployment. The more the extremism grows, the more the suppression imposed by the state to the citizens increases, and so on. And this gives the suitable justification for an increasingly militarized police ready to operate at the heart of urban centers.

There will be no need for distinction between the army and the police in future: “It's not accidental that the arms industries demonstrate new weapons designed to be used inside urban areas for suppression of potential riots. There will be no 'outside enemy' in the future. The threat for the dominant system will come from the interior, the big urban centers. Soldier-robots will protect worker-robots and resources.” (

Thus ruling class is blocking all the ways and prepares the future adjusted to its interests not only through the police militarization, but also through the police privatization (, under the tolerance of the majority who already sees the state as a hostile force.

Scottish-type referendums show the desperation of people to escape from such a situation, but the puzzlement of the Scottish people was obvious. No one knew actually how the next day would be in case of independence. On the other hand, the propaganda of fear was launched in this case by the system which showed signs of panic, like many times in Greece the latest years of crisis. Why? Maybe the answer can be found in the new Sino-Russian block alternative:

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