Tuesday 16 September 2014

Balkanization and US’ full spectrum dominance


Balkanization and US' full spectrum dominance

THE tentacles of the balkanization policy of fragmenting states into small entities has spread worldwide initiated by civil rights societies at first with protests which have the flare of popular uprisings against the incumbent governments for democracy, human rights, minority rights and secularism. More is yet to come in the Middle East using local collaborators and once the West has achieved its objective it will discard them as they did with Saddam Hussein and are now in the process of doing with Nouri Al-Maliki in Iraq. One must remember how Al-Qaeda had been declared enemy “Number One” by the US-NATO yet Al-Qaeda is fighting on the side of the US-NATO in Syria (Al-Nusrat) and Al-Qaeda groups (LIFG) listed among the UN terror list deposed Muammar Gaddafi and destroyed Libya, which ranked as the number one country in Africa under the UN Human Index.

Aside from the balkanization of Iraq, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters assigned to the Office of the deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence had redrawn the map of the Middle East as far as Baluchistan, a province of Pakistan and called it “Blood Borders”.

The creation of Kurdistan will change the existing map of Turkey, Iran and Syria besides that of Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Jordan will not remain immune from the New Middle East. A new Palestinian state may emerge in the existing Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which traditionally is greater Palestine. Israel will enjoy the entire Palestinian territory as it existed under the British Mandate. West Bank, the proposed territory for the Palestinian state is a reservoir for fresh underground water and Gaza offshore contains rich gas fields. Thus Palestine is never to be realized. The Palestinian Authority is fictitious as there is no Palestine since 1948. President Obama had said at the AIPAC Conference, following his selection as the Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party in the US Presidential Election in 2007 that Jerusalem will remain as the indivisible capital of Israel. Every effort to have Peace Talk between Israel and the Palestinian Authority for a two-state solution since President Obama came to power is an illusion for there can be no Palestine without (East) Jerusalem as the capital. The Hashemite dynasty may find itself reverted to its traditional home in the Hejaz. Fred Halliday, the author of Arabia Without Sultans suggests that in the wake of any threat to the flow of Saudi oil to the West, there may be no kingdom but a divided Arabian Peninsula with its eastern section under direct US military control and the western section, the Hejaz with sacred cities of Makkah and Madinah under the Hashemite control. The map prepared by Peters is also indicative of independent states in the existing central and eastern Saudi territories and of an Islamic Sacred State along the Hejaz. 

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