Sunday 14 September 2014

Police officers tackle and pin 70lb high school girl who would not hand over her phone. All because she was trying to get ahold of her sick mother


She stands 4 feet 10 inches tall and weighs about 100 pounds, and claims she was tackled by three police officers at a high school because she wouldn't  hand over her cellphone.  The alleged incident, which was recorded by a fellow student, was posted to Instagram and has lit up social media with controversy.

The video, which has gone viral after being shared on multiple sites,appears to show a female student, Ixel Perez, being held on the ground by three police officers at Sam Houston High School. Perez was screaming loudly in the video as the officers restrained her, and one of them appeared to have put his knee on her head.

Perez said it all started because she refused to give her cellphone to an assistant principal who demanded it. She said the only reason she disobeyed the order is because she was concerned about her disabled mother.

Perez’s mother, Gladys Santos, has kidney problems and receives dialysis treatment. When her husband could not find her, he became worried and called his daughter.

“I checked my phone, that’s the only reason I got sent out of class by my reading teacher. And my reading teacher was talking to me and the AP comes into the conversation and just said ‘Give me your phone, give me your phone,’” Perez described. “I did not want to give her my phone because I was still worried about my mama.”


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