Sunday 14 September 2014

White house: “We are at war with ISIS” - State Dept: “We are not at war”

The Obama administration knows that if they’re going to send our troops to war (which they have), they must Constitutionally get authorization from Congress (which they have not).
from NY Daily News:
The U.S. is at war with ISIS, the White House and Pentagon said Friday, a day after Secretary of State John Kerry stubbornly declined to use the ‘W’ word.
"In the same way that we are at war with al Qaeda and its affiliates around the globe, we are at war with ISIL," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, using another acronym for ISIS, also known as the Islamic State.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby offered a similar reaction Friday.
"Make no mistake, we know we are at war with ISIL in the same way we’re at war and continue to be at al Qaeda and its affiliates," Kirby said.
The similarly worded statements suggested a coordinated effort to by the Obama administration to clear up confusion caused by Kerry in an interview Thursday with CNN.
read the rest

Kerry isn’t the only Obama administration official claiming that the US is not at war with ISIS.  Susan Rice (of Benghazi infamy) also explicitly said the US is not at war.

This all reminds me of the whole “Obamacare penalty is not a tax unless we need it to be” thing.

To add further irony, the Obama administration is now saying that they don’t need permission from Congress because they’re using George W. Bush’s authorization to fight al Qaeda.  The problem here is not only that ISIS and al Qaeda are enemies, but that Obama himself used to be a vocal opponent of that very authorization.

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