Wednesday 1 October 2014

The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law Tomorrow

Source: bullionbullscanada

At one time, the United States was a “free democracy”. When did it end? Assigning a precise date to that question would be the subject of considerable debate. However, clearly the beginning-of-the-end traces back to a very specific date: November, 1910.

It was at that time that a cabal of the Western world’s wealthiest and most-powerful oligarchs (mostly bankers) met, in secret, on a private island off the coast of Georgia, named (ironically) Jekyll Island. At that secret meeting they plotted the creation of “the Federal Reserve”.

As author, and noted authority on the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin observed; “the Fed” is a legislated banking cartel, a “hybrid” between a government agency and a private corporation. When it wishes to invoke the authority of government in order to command obedience for its decrees; it cloaks itself in the guise of being a part of that government.

At all other times, it behaves purely as the privately-owned corporation that it is: acting solely in the self-interest of the handful of oligarchs who own/control it. The Federal Reserve is the ultimate “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, and thus the (deliberate?) irony of the choice of location where the Federal Reserve was effectively created.

The actual legislation which institutionalized this banking cartel was merely a formality, as even by 1910 these oligarchs already “controlled” (i.e. owned) enough members of the U.S. government to ensure passage of any legislation they commanded. Proof of this comes merely by looking at the exact date when “The Federal Reserve Act” was signed into law: December 23, 1913 – after most members of the U.S. government had already deserted Washington to prepare for their Christmas festivities.

How and why did the creation of the Federal Reserve signal the beginning-of-the-end of the U.S.’s endlessly-hyped “democracy”? It was (is) because the Federal Reserve was legislated as an entity abovethe government of the United States, and thus above any of its laws. Any who doubt this conclusion need merely listen as Sir Alan Greenspan explains what the “independence” of the Fed really means: that the Federal Reserve was (and is) the supreme authority within the U.S.

Obviously no nation whose government is subordinate to a private cabal of (ultra-wealthy, ultra-powerful) bankers can possibly be characterized as “a democracy”. In any real democracy; the government elected by the people is the supreme authority of the land.

Why did these bankers consider it necessary to seize effective control of the U.S. government in a bloodless, unofficial coup? They did it to gain the absolute (economic) power needed to successfully implement their own, monstrous agenda, which had been articulated twenty years prior to this: The Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892.

…Capital [i.e. the wealth of the oligarchs] must protect itself in every possible manner through combination (conspiracy) and legislation. The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

When through the process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. [emphasis mine]

Obviously the plot by these oligarchs/bankers to transform the United States into “a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers” was an extremely ambitious (and diabolical) agenda, and thus required enormous power to bring to fruition. However, at this point many readers will be confused (or simply skeptical) as to how the mere creation of the Federal Reserve could be the lynch-pin of such an agenda.

Such readers first need to learn and understand the primary power (and privilege) wielded by this private bank. It has an absolute, legislative monopoly to create and manage the money supply of the United States. With the U.S. already the world’s largest economy (and the issuer of the global “reserve currency” since the end of World War II); gaining absolute control over the money supply of the U.S. has given this cabal of private bankers effective control over the money of all the world.

Still, many readers will not have the slightest comprehension as to how simply being “the Money Masters” of the world would imbue these oligarchs with the power to effectively rule the United States – (supposedly) “the world’s only Superpower”. Here we get the answer straight from the lips of the most-infamous of all the banking oligarchs:

“Give me control over a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

-          Mayer Amschel Rothschild  (1744 – 1812)

What did the patriarch of the Rothschild clan mean by this boast? Simply, any cabal who owns/controls the printing press of any nation can not only create as much of that currency as desired, but they also possess the power to ensure that all that newly-created currency ends up in the pockets of whomever they desire – namely, themselves.

With access to infinite amounts of currency, and thus (effectively) infinite wealth; the oligarchs who control the money supply can then simply buy-off as many members of the government as is required to control it, and then command their political lackeys to legislate anything (or kill any legislation) they desired.

Since gaining ultimate economic power over the United States via a “bank” which was above the government, and thus above the law; this Old World Order has sought to consolidate its political power to an equal extent – while concealing that power from “the common people”. The scheme devised to wield such power, while still keeping that power disguised is what has been referred to in previous commentaries as “the Two-Party Dictatorship”.

With both of the U.S.’s only two political parties long since bought-off by the banking cabal; the modus operandi employed to hide this power was to create a perennial, surreal “puppet show” in Washington – where the two political parties appeared to be “mortal enemies”, while the leadership of both parties secretly conspired to carry out the dictates of their Masters. To quote again from The Bankers Manifesto of 1892:

…History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaging in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism.

…By thus dividing the voters, we can get them to expend their energies fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus by discrete action, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished.[emphasis mine]

But mere (absolute) control over the government of the United States was not enough for the Old World Order. It wanted to transform that government into a police state, because (as stated in their Manifesto) after robbing the people of their wealth and their land, they required a “strong arm of government” tomaintain control over “the common herd”, and thus preserve the wealth/power which the Old World Order had usurped (stolen) for itself.

Not surprisingly, this last goal of their agenda has proven to be (by far) the most-difficult – until recently. Concealing from “the common people” that their democracy no longer exists was relatively simple. Apathetic populations tend not to notice the mere disappearance of some once-familiar facet of their lives, especially when continually being distracted through “fighting over questions of no importance”.

It is quite another kettle of fish, however, to impose a police state upon the masses – even masses of Sheep. By its very nature; the (fascist) Iron Fist of a police state is impossible to hide. At best, it can bedisguised, through endless euphemisms and/or (when necessary) simple lies. But (at least at some level) the inhabitants of a police state know that they are living in a police state.

What finally provided these oligarchs with the pretext to impose the police state for which they had lusted for more than a century was one of the oldest (and most-successful) tools possessed by the Old World Order: the false-flag attack. Indeed, (also) going back more than a century; nearly every major war which the U.S. has joined or started has been preceded by a very convenient, incredibly coincidental “attack” of some sort against the U.S.

Any who doubt the veracity of that statement need merely listen to precisely that assertion coming straight from the lips of one of the U.S.’s blood-thirsty Neo-cons, at the very end of an impeccably documented video presentation, aptly titled “The Geopolitics of World War III” (click here to see the transcript, and full documentation). Getting the U.S. government to attack itself, or manipulate some other entity into launching an attack is “as American as apple pie”.

On September 11, 2001, now infamously known simply as “9/11”; the U.S. government (and the Neo-cons pulling its strings) engineered the ultimate false-flag event. Officially, the World Trade Center “Twin Towers” collapsed straight down, all the way to their very foundations, after being hit in the side, near the very top, by a pair of passenger airliners.

This propaganda fantasy has largely survived intact, despite:

1)  No other steel reinforced structure in global, engineering history has ever collapsed all the way down to the foundations from “fire” alone. Steel-and-concrete buildings (obviously) cannot burn to the ground, nor could heat created up near the 100th floor of the Twin Towers have caused the slightest structural damage to any of the steel and concrete of the lower, fifty floors.
2)  As an elementary principle of physics; it is impossible to collapse any tall, vertical structure straight down by any means other than a controlled demolition, which can only occur through explosions which begin at (or near) ground level.
3)  Independent forensic experts discovered the residue of extremely powerful, military-style demolitions explosives – a chemical residue which could only have existed in that rubble as the byproduct of an explosion (i.e. controlled demolition).
4)  The Twin Towers had been expressly engineered to survive the impact of a passenger airliner.

However, with the entire mainstream media owned by a tiny handful of corporate entities who are an integral part of the Old World Order, to this day only a small fragment of our populations have been exposed to these, and (many) other important facts which absolutely disprove the official propaganda.
From “9/11” came the (never-ending) “War of Terror”. From the War on Terror came the even more-infamous “Patriot Act”. And had this piece of legislation been given a descriptive title, rather than the most-absurd of all euphemisms, it would have simply been entitled “The Blueprint for a Police State”.

It is beyond the scope of this article to detail all the elements of this police state: the countless “detention centers” spread all over the country, the absurdly Orwellian “Department of Homeland Security”, and an infinite array of parallel initiatives. Instead, it can be exposed more effectively through unmasking the phony War on Terror (which led to its creation), and then focusing on particularly revealing aspects of this police state which have emerged during this pseudo-war.

As its name suggests; the explicit goal of this pseudo-war is to “fight terrorism”. Yet (outside the spotlight of the Corporate media) most of the actual efforts of the U.S. government have been devoted to creating and/or supporting terrorist groups and terrorist regimes.

Even here, there is far too much empirical evidence of state-sponsored terrorism (by the U.S.) to engage in any comprehensive discussion. The only starting point for such a narrative can begin with the Godfather of Modern Terrorism: the state of Israel.

Anyone familiar with their history knows that Israel is the original “terrorist state”. Following World War II; the state of Palestine (home of the Palestinian people) was a British colony. Through a relentless campaign of “ethnic cleansing” and executions by Jewish terrorists (primarily directed against innocent, Palestinian civilians), the British government was persuaded to withdraw from Palestine. However, before departing, the British carved-out a large chunk of the state of the Palestine, and handed it to the terrorists – which the terrorists called (call) “Israel”.

The leader of the Jewish terrorists became Israel’s first prime minister. Far from renouncing its terrorist heritage; the government of Israel (to this day) openly boasts about its terrorist past, characterizing its serial slaughter of innocents as “necessary acts” for “the greater good” (i.e. the creation of Israel). Indeed, all that has changed since 1945 is that this terrorist group is now a terrorist regime.

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